T H O U G H T S & P H O T O S

The Coincidental

I've always been a big fan of diptychs; the beauty produced through multiplication ignites. The way in which the mirrored geometry of the frames creates some sort of aesthetic uniformity is undeniably pleasant. Do we all seek harmony? Is the simple multiplication of geometric forms just one way in which we strive for togetherness? With these photos, which I hope to be an ongoing series, I want to reinterpret this form of representation through presenting the awkward juxtaposition of the candid and the pose. The awkwardness lies in the coincidental nature of the candid and its relationship to the pose. While the pose is the supposedly meaningful image, the brutal honesty of the candid is situated within and exists to be reality. Which then becomes reality itself, the representation, being the pose, or the subsequent moment of the candid? Both exist, is one the truth and the other a lie? <insert theoretical name drop here> So on, and so forth.